Promoted by MAMM-ER and by ELCA Internationalization project

Industrial lightweighting technology developments:

a European perspective and materials applications in Emilia-Romagna

May 5th, 2021 - 15.30-18.00

The event will open with a scenario on lightweight processes at European level and the presentation of a project for the internationalization of the “lightweight made in Europe” competences, in which also Clust-ER MECH is involved. 

The meeting will then focus on the presentation of lightweighting solutions through the application of innovative polymeric materials and new metal alloys for additive manufacturing, with the contribution of international guests.


15:30 – Introduction

Moderator: Luca Tomesani – Clust-ER MECH’s Board of Director
Value chain MAMM-ER:
Federica Bezzi – ENEA-TEMAF, Claudio Ricci – SACMI Imola
Federico Capucci – Clust-ER MECH

  • The European Lightweight Cluster Alliance: a coordinated vision of lightweight materials and technologies, opportunities ahead for 2021-2030
    Ricardo Del Valle, Elca Network
  • Elca Cosme: how a European clusters collaboration is going to create a new international strategy in the lightweight materials and technologies field
    Pascaline Patureau, Polymeris
  • High performance polymers for lightweighting and performances improvement
    Andrea Aicardi, GHEPI
  • Lightweighting across industries. Expanded polymers case
    Arnaud Coulon, JSP
  • Improving bonding and fracture toughness of metal–composite bonded joints by AM: an overview
    Luca Raimondi, University of Bologna
  • High strength high temperature light alloys produced via LPBF: Ti6242 and a newly developed Al-Alloy
    Martina Riccio, Beamit Group
  • Light weight gas atomised metal powders for Additive Manufacturing
    Eleonora Bettini, Paul A. Davies, Sandvik
  • Modelling microstructure evolution in the production of 6XXX aluminium alloys components
    Marco Negozio, University of Bologna
  • Q&A Session

18:00 – Closing


The content of this event represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility; it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) or any other body of the European Union. The European Commission and the Agency do not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.

Un workshop di approfondimento sulle tematiche della guida autonoma, tema estremamente trasversale e d’attualità, partendo dalle soluzioni in uso e in via di sviluppo nel settore automotive e arrivando allo stato dell’arte nei veicoli per l’agricoltura.

Il pomeriggio di studio prevede interventi di prestigiose realtà operanti nei settori automotive e agricolo e la possibilità per i partecipanti di intervenire nella discussione durante una tavola rotonda dedicata.

L’incontro è promosso dalla value chain MoVES, che si occupa dell’applicazione di prodotti, processi e tecnologie in grado di migliorare le prestazioni di motori e veicoli terrestri sotto il profilo dell’efficienza, della sostenibilità, della connettività e del funzionamento autonomo.


16.00 Saluti introduttivi Value Chain MoVES (Francesco Blumetti – Fondazione Democenter, Emiliano Mucchi – UNIFE)

  • Preventive vehicle systems integration: new simulation tools (Claudio Ricci, Danisi Engineering – SMA)
  • Guida autonoma e smart city: ricerca e tecnologia in Emilia-Romagna (Paolo Burgio, Hipert srl)
  • Olli, veicolo a guida autonoma e un’opportunità per la Motor Valley (Carlo Iacovini, Local Motors)
  • Remote and assisted platform beyond automotive. La soluzione Carraro per le applicazioni specializzate vigneto e frutteto (Giacomo Fiocchi, Carraro Group).
  • Autonomous agricultural machines (Stefano Fiorati e Luca Ferrari, CNH Industrial)
  • Tavola rotonda. Coordina Cecilia Metra, UNIBO

18.00 Chiusura lavori


Intervista a Giuseppe Mazzini sull’unità d’Italia.mp3


Intervista a Giuseppe Mazzini sull’unità d’Italia.mp3


Intervista a Giuseppe Mazzini sull’unità d’Italia.mp3


Intervista a Giuseppe Mazzini sull’unità d’Italia.mp3


Intervista a Giuseppe Mazzini sull’unità d’Italia.mp3


Intervista a Giuseppe Mazzini sull’unità d’Italia.mp3


Intervista a Giuseppe Mazzini sull’unità d’Italia.mp3


Intervista a Giuseppe Mazzini sull’unità d’Italia.mp3


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